Tips For Natural Pink Lips

There are following tips to make your lips Natural Pink:

1.Apply honey on lips at bedtime and massage with a soft brush next morning this will clear the entire dry and scaly layer on the lips.

2.Take a handful of rose petals, add some cream and make paste and apply on the lips, you will see your lips become soft and pink.

3.Half a teaspoon of olive oil, sugar and honey, mixed well and applied on lips will pinken and soften lips.

4.Grate some beet and squeeze out the juice. This applied on the lips will definitely give you soft, pink lips.

5.Coriander juice, carrot juice and mint juice are all beneficial for soft and pink lips.

6.Slice a lime into half and apply on lips in a circular motion.

7.Apply the cream that is got from boiled milk, it moisturizes the lips and keeps them soft.

8.Two to three raspberries mixed with a spoon of aloe vera gel and a drop of honey is a great way to achieve pink lips.

9.A mixture of glycerin and lime juice at a 1:1 ratio will significantly lighten dark lips.

10.Regular use of Vaseline or petroleum jelly will keep the lips soft at all times.