Top Five Dangerous Countries In The World.

5. Afghanistan

Very Dangerous Country to live in as USA Army is fighting against Taliban.

4. North Korea

It's dangerous because the dictatorship is SO MUCH... like there's no freedom of speech and internet is forbidden. Only the high rank officials can use internet to cover them up. THEY ARE FULL OF LIES! No North Korean people have access to the Internet because the government is concerned that people would see things that would make them feel unfairly critical toward the West, and the government would like to protect the West's reputation by preventing the people from going on the Internet. LIKE! And there are lots and lots and lots of Propaganda.

3. United States Of America

The Usa is getting more dangerous, and all the people who are saying that USA is not dangerous is because they live in USA and don't want to admit that it is one of the most dangerous country in the world, I mean world wide, you see american news all the time that are about murders or robberies or prison breaks, and I live in the UK. Its not that the people are crazy its just over populated like brazil and china, and Iraq is dangerous because of their Histroy with bad Presidents.

2. Somalia

Somalia is the dangerous country on the face of the earth 1988 june- july 200.000 men gone missing alone killings of inoccent civilians raping another 50.000 women in the following year and not to forget the looting and killing baby's 1988- 2010 apperently an aproximately of 4.100.000 somalis dead this is not a war its genocide way above all.

1. Iraq

It is so dangerous because people living there risk their lives and their average life spam is about 30-40 and they lack access to clean water food and other kinds of materials to survive. They also get killed in different kind of reasons that don't actually have to be killed